Top "Sublimetext" questions

Sublime Text is a text and source code editor for Linux, OS X and Windows.

How do I reformat HTML code using Sublime Text 2?

I've got some poorly-formatted HTML code that I'd like to reformat. Is there a command that will automatically reformat HTML …

html sublimetext2 sublimetext indentation reformat
How do I run Python code from Sublime Text 2?

I want to set up a complete Python IDE in Sublime Text 2. I want to know how to run the …

python ide sublimetext2 sublimetext
Indenting code in Sublime text 2?

In Visual Studio I can press Ctrl+K+D to indent everything so the code is structured nicely and readable. …

sublimetext2 sublimetext
Comparing the contents of two files in Sublime Text

I have two cloned repositories of two very similar open-source projects, which I have been working on in different instances …

compare sublimetext2 diff sublimetext sublime-text-plugin
Sublime Text 2 - Show file navigation in sidebar

I just switched to Sublime Text as my new editor. If I open the sidebar it shows the opening file, …

sublimetext2 sublimetext
Replace \n with actual new line in Sublime Text

How can I replace \n in Sublime Text with real in-editor displayed new line so: foo\nbar becomes: foo bar …

sublimetext2 sublimetext sublimetext3
Open Sublime Text from Terminal in macOS

In Terminal when I use .subl It returns -bash: .subl: command not found Anyone know how to open Sublime Text 3 …

macos terminal sublimetext3 sublimetext
Search in all files in a project in Sublime Text 3

Is there a way to search for a string in all files inside a project in Sublime Text 3? The string …

sublimetext sublimetext3
How to select all instances of a variable and edit variable name in Sublime

If I select a variable (not just any string) in my code, all other instances of that variable get a …

keyboard-shortcuts sublimetext key-bindings
Sublime Text 2 - View whitespace characters

How can Sublime Text show non printable characters (I'm interested in SPACEs and TABs)?

sublimetext sublimetext2