Top "Compare" questions

The analysis required to assess the differences and similarities between two or more entities.

Compare two dates with JavaScript

Can someone suggest a way to compare the values of two dates greater than, less than, and not in the …

javascript date datetime compare
How do I check for null values in JavaScript?

How can I check for null values in JavaScript? I wrote the code below but it didn't work. if (pass == …

javascript null compare comparison
Query comparing dates in SQL

I have a table with dates that all happened in the month November. I wrote this query select id,numbers_…

sql sql-server date compare
Comparing the contents of two files in Sublime Text

I have two cloned repositories of two very similar open-source projects, which I have been working on in different instances …

compare sublimetext2 diff sublimetext sublime-text-plugin
What is best tool to compare two SQL Server databases (schema and data)?

I would like to compare two SQL Server databases including schema (table structure) and data in tables too. What is …

sql sql-server database compare
How to compare two files in Notepad++ v6.6.8

I want to compare values from two different files. In Notepad++ version 5.0.3 we had shortcut button Alt+d but in …

file compare notepad++
Compare two data.frames to find the rows in data.frame 1 that are not present in data.frame 2

I have the following 2 data.frames: a1 <- data.frame(a = 1:5, b=letters[1:5]) a2 <- data.frame(a = 1:3, …

r merge compare rows dataframe
Tool for comparing 2 binary files in Windows

I need a tool to compare 2 binaries. The files are quite large. Some freeware or trial tools I found on …

binary compare filecompare
Compare two files in Visual Studio

I saw new comparsion tool in VS 2012 for comparing two files or two versions of file. I like it. But …

visual-studio file compare comparison diff
Compare if BigDecimal is greater than zero

How can I compare if BigDecimal value is greater than zero?

java compare bigdecimal