Sublime PHP method signature and description on autocomplete

Danny Valariola picture Danny Valariola · Jan 28, 2013 · Viewed 8.2k times · Source

I really like sublime but I have 1 major issue stopping me from migrating from Netbeans:

I need sublime autocomplete to show function description and method signature (i'm working with Yii framework and I need to know exactly what each function does, returns and passed arguments types).

I tried installing several plugins but none worked...if there is such a way then i'm missing it.


j0k picture j0k · Jan 29, 2013

You are just in time for Sublime Text 3 !

Symbol Indexing. Sublime Text now scans the files in your project, and builds an index of which files contain which symbols. This backs the new features Goto Definition and Goto Symbol in Project, both of which are available from the Goto menu. Goto Definition takes you to the definition of the symbol under the caret, while Goto Symbol in Project prompts you to select a symbol via fuzzy matching, and then takes you to the definition of that symbol.