Top "Method-signature" questions

In computer programming, especially object-oriented programming, a method is commonly identified by its unique method signature, which usually includes the method name, and the number, types and order of its parameters.

How to return an array from a function?

How can I return an array from a method, and how must I declare it? int[] test(void); // ??

c++ arrays method-signature
Static member functions error; How to properly write the signature?

I am getting an error when trying to compile my code in g++ using the current signature: cannot declare member …

c++ static-members method-signature static-functions
Does a method's signature in Java include its return type?

Does the method signature in a Java class/interface include its return type? Example: Does Java know the difference between …

java method-signature
Error CS1001 (Identifier expected)

I'm new to programming and am taking a C# class. I am getting compiler error CS1001 when I try to …

c# identifier method-signature
How to get method signatures from a jar file?

I have a third-party jar file that comes with the javadocs for only part of the API. Is there a …

java jar reverse-engineering method-signature
Can Java methods return type Enum?

I could be wrong but I'm guessing from Why can't enums be declared locally in a method? that, since an …

java generics enums method-signature
Definition of a method signature?

What is the correct definition of a method signature (or a signature of a method)? On google, I find various …

c# method-signature
C++ typedef member function signature syntax

I want to declare type definition for a member function signature. Global function typedefs look like this: typedef int (function_…

c++ typedef member-functions method-signature
Inheritance best practice : *args, **kwargs or explicitly specifying parameters

I often find myself overwriting methods of a parent class, and can never decide if I should explicitly list given …

python inheritance method-signature
Call function in c++ dll without header

I would like to call a method from an dll, but i don't have the source neither the header file. …

c++ dll signature method-signature dumpbin