Top "Autocomplete" questions

Autocomplete is a UI feature provided by applications, where the program predicts a word or phrase that the user wants to type without the user actually typing it completely.

How do you disable browser Autocomplete on web form field / input tag?

How do you disable autocomplete in the major browsers for a specific input (or form field)?

html forms browser autocomplete
Disabling Chrome Autofill

I have been running into issues with the chrome autofill behavior on several forms. The fields in the form all …

html forms google-chrome autocomplete autofill
Removing input background colour for Chrome autocomplete?

On a form I'm working on, Chrome is auto-filling the email and password fields. This is fine, however, Chrome changes …

autocomplete input google-chrome
Chrome ignores autocomplete="off"

I've created a web application which uses a tagbox drop down. This works great in all browsers except Chrome browser (…

html google-chrome autocomplete forms
Autocompletion in Vim

I'm having trouble with autocompletion. How can I get a code suggestion while I'm typing? I usually develop in PHP, …

vim autocomplete macvim
Eclipse: Enable autocomplete / content assist

How can I enable autocomplete in Eclipse? I can't find it!

eclipse autocomplete content-assist
jQuery autocomplete with callback ajax json

I'm trying to find a way to use jQuery autocomplete with callback source getting data via an ajax json object …

jquery json autocomplete
twitter bootstrap autocomplete dropdown / combobox with Knockoutjs

I have a requirement where I HAVE TO use bootstrap autocomplete dropdown, BUT user can have free form text in …

autocomplete combobox twitter-bootstrap knockout.js html.dropdownlistfor
Disable browser 'Save Password' functionality

One of the joys of working for a government healthcare agency is having to deal with all of the paranoia …

security browser autocomplete passwords
How to limit google autocomplete results to City and Country only

I am using google autocomplete places javascript to return suggested results for my searchbox , what I need is to only …

javascript autocomplete google-maps-api-3