PHP 100% CPU usage with Sublime Text 3

Robo Robok picture Robo Robok · Feb 21, 2015 · Viewed 8k times · Source

I use Sublime Text 3 for web development. From time to time, it starts PHP process with CPU usage of 100%. My Mac starts to be laggy then and fans are loud.

How can I investigate why is it happening? I think it's one of the plugins that I'm using: SublimeLinter-php or SublimeLinter-phpcs, but I'm not sure.

Is there any way to check it out other than just disabling plugins and waiting if that happens? That would be troublesome, because sometimes it happens after a few hours and development without them is troublesome for me. Have you experience this kind of behavior with Sublime Text 3?


Tom de Boer picture Tom de Boer · Nov 21, 2015

It might be caused by Sublime's file indexing. (

Try adding "index_files": false to your user preferences (Preferences > Settings - User) and see if that helps.

If it does, you might be able to troubleshoot it using this page: