sublime text 3 hints as in NetBeans

Vojtech Lacina picture Vojtech Lacina · Oct 8, 2013 · Viewed 11.3k times · Source

is there any extension that provide hints (autocomplete) in Sublime Text 3 as it in NetBeans? Not just php functions but all object methods, attributes and so on. Basicly it is usefull when you use OOP, frameworks etc.

NetBeans X SublimeText hints


Tamás Barta picture Tamás Barta · Jan 9, 2014

You should take a look at SublimeCodeIntel. Quite nice, and works not only with PHP.

You can install it via Package Control. The GitHub repository of the project also tells you how to install, if not using Package Control. (I happened to have bugs with the package control version, so I also installed without package control, but first try that, my friends didn't have my issue.)

Keep in mind, that Sublime does not have an API that would make possible the same user experience. With this extension you'll get lists like the autocomplete. These lists can also contain PHPDoc, but not in a separate tooltip window, like in Netbeans. IMHO it still is very-very useful, and it might satisfy you.