Top "Hints" questions

How to force oracle to not to use an index

I have a requirement in which i have to force the sql not to use a particular index which exists …

sql oracle query-performance hints
Use Hints for views?

I have a view and I want to query my view like that to hint some index from a base …

oracle optimization indexing sql-execution-plan hints
Oracle join using Hint USE_NL USE_HASH

What is the best way to Force execution plan to do only nested loop joins for all tables using Hint …

oracle hints
sublime text 3 hints as in NetBeans

is there any extension that provide hints (autocomplete) in Sublime Text 3 as it in NetBeans? Not just php functions but …

php autocomplete sublimetext3 hints
In the UPDATE statement, are NOLOCK hint honored in the FROM clause?

Given the following update statement: UPDATE @TableVariable SET city = FROM @TableVariable TV INNER JOIN dbo.TABLE_1 T1 WITH (…

sql-server sql-server-2000 nolock hints