Top "Sublimetext3" questions


sublime text 3 sidebar autoupdating not working

I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to make it so that sublime text 3 automatically updates the sidebar …

text-editor sublimetext auto-update sublimetext3
SublimeLinter 3 Not Working

I've been having some problems with SublimeLinter3. I recently installed JSHint and Sublime Linter 3 with my package control, and when …

sublimetext3 jshint sublimelinter
How to disable/override the enter key for autocomplete?

In Sublime Text 3, I want to disable the enter key to select an item from the autocomplete drop down, and …

autocomplete sublimetext3 keyboard-shortcuts sublimetext
Tell Sublime Text to ignore everything in .gitignore?

Vim has this great plugin to convert the current project's .gitignore into a syntax understandable by Vim and from there …

sublimetext gitignore sublimetext3
Sublime text find in selection

When I select multiple lines of text in text editor Sublime Text 3, and try to find (Ctrl+F) an existing …

sublimetext sublimetext3
How to convert from lower to upper case in Sublime 3

Is there a shortcut or function for upper/lower-casing the selected text in Sublime 3?

shortcut uppercase lowercase sublimetext3
what is phpmd and how to use it?

I have Ubuntu 14.04 + Sublime text 3 and installed phpcs packages additionalty I have installed phpcs and php-cs-fixer on my system From …

composer-php sublimetext3 ubuntu-14.04 phpmd
Installing numpy for Sublime Text 3

I'm using Sublime Text 3 on Ubuntu 14.04, and I'm just warming up to Package Management in Sublime. I came across this …

python numpy sublimetext3 package-control
REPL error with Sublime Text 3

I'm using REPL with sublime text 3 (latest version as of today) and I'm coding in python 3.4. As far as I …

python sublimetext3 sublimerepl
Sublime Text 3 Package for EJS formatting

I'm looking for a package to format my ejs files. I already found "html-css-js prettify" and set "ejs" as an …

sublimetext3 ejs embedded-javascript