Top "Sublimetext3" questions


Sublime Text - Goto line and column

Currently, the Go to line shortcut (CTRL+G in windows/linux) only allows to navigate to a specific line. It …

sublimetext sublimetext3 sublime-text-plugin
Sublime Text 2 how to change the font size of the file sidebar?

The current font size of the file sidebar is to small for me. How can I make it larger?

sublimetext2 sublimetext3
How can I ignore a lint error for a line with Sublime Text 3 Anaconda?

I'm using Anaconda with Sublime text 3. I have left the lint settings as default with the exception of the following …

sublimetext3 sublimelinter sublime-anaconda
Error installing Sublime Text 3 Package Control bz2

My ISP in India has decieded to block Github for some reason.I have been trying to install Package Control …

sublimetext3 sublime-text-plugin package-control
How do you make Sublime Text 3 open a file in a new tab instead of opening it in the current tab?

When I click the file I want to open in Sublime, it is replacing the current tab I have open. …

Arabic language with Sublime Text editor

I have a problem with sublime text editor that RTL languages are not supported! I've tried this plug in Bidirectional …

sublimetext3 sublimetext arabic rtl-language
Sublime Text go to character number

How can I go to N-th character in the file. Ignoring all the line breaks, N-th character in the whole …

sublimetext3 sublimetext
What is Sublime Text doing when I save a file?

I was watching files with fsnotify which is a Go library, and I found there are many events triggered when …

sublimetext sublimetext3
How Do I Sync My Sublime Text 3 Settings Using Dropbox?

I would like to sync Sublime Text 3's Settings across multiple machines using Dropbox. How should I set this up?

macos settings sync dropbox sublimetext3
syntax highlighting for react code in sublime

I'm started writing some basic React code in sublime text. Here is what my syntax highlighting looks like. Its partly …

javascript reactjs sublimetext3 syntax-highlighting