Top "Sublimetext3" questions


How to increase number of recent files in Sublime Text 3?

Is it possible to increase the number of recent files that appear in the File -> Open recent menu …

Is there anyway to do "strikethrough" on a text file in Sublime?

I like to make text files with Sublime and use them as daily-reminder lists. I would like to be able …

text sublimetext3 strikethrough
delete U+200B zero-width space characters using sublime text 3

How can I make U+200B character or delete them in using sublime text 3. I found …

python sublimetext3 sublime-text-plugin
Is there a way to sync Sublime Text settings across multiple computers?

I have two computers, a desktop and a laptop. Now I have set up my ENV to sync with the …

synchronization sublimetext3 settings sublimetext package-managers
SublimeLinter: How to remove from SublimeText 3

When I tried to remove SublimeLinter on Mac I deleted the package, cache, every part of it in Application Support …

uninstallation sublimetext3 sublimelinter
LiveReload on Sublime Text 3

LiveReload seems not to be working on sublime text 3 when I download it from the package control. I found this …

sublimetext3 livereload package-control
Sublime Text - plugin_host exited unexpectedly after installing sublime_tern

I have installed sublime_tern package to help me with my MeteorJS development. After installing this package, any time I …

sublimetext2 sublimetext sublimetext3 tern
Emmet plugin's expansion doesn't work for Sublime Text 3

I successfully installed Emmet via Package Control. When I type ul and press Tab, I get <ul></…

sublimetext3 emmet
How can I change current working directory in Sublime Text 3?

Whenever I open a script (Python or R), I want Sublime automatically changes the current working directory to the path …

directory settings sublimetext3 preferences cwd
Emmet HTML div tag with multiple words class name

I did not find the answer on documentation for this question. As we know, div.container gives <div class="…

sublimetext3 emmet