Top "Shader" questions

A shader is a program to perform calculations on geometry or pixel data in computer graphics.

How to tell if a computer supports OpenGL 2.0? (I want to write shaders)

I'm interested in writing OpenGL shaders, but am not sure if my graphics card is good enough to support this …

opengl graphics version shader mesa
How to render depth linearly in modern OpenGL with gl_FragCoord.z in fragment shader?

I read lots of information about getting depth with fragment shader. such as…

opengl glsl shader depth depth-buffer
Ambient occlusion in threejs

I've just finished porting of my first cloth simulation from opengl to webgl using three.js (can be seen here). …

javascript three.js shader
Unity3D visible seams on borders when tiling texture

For my game I have written a shader that allows my texture to tile nicely over multiple objects. I do …

unity3d shader textures fragment-shader tiling
Screen coordinates in fragment shader

In a fragment shader like the below: Shader "ColorReplacement" { Properties { _MainTex ("Greyscale (R) Alpha (A)", 2D) = "white" {} } SubShader { ZTest LEqual …

unity3d shader fragment-shader vertex-shader cg
How to draw circle in unity by shader and anti-aliasing

I have drawn a circle by shader, but I can't get anti-aliasing to work. I tried finding an answer here …

unity3d shader antialiasing
Jogl Shader programming

I just started Shader programming(GLSL) and created a few with RenderMonkey. Now I want to use this Shaders in …

java opengl jogl shader
How do you write z-depth in a shader?

This shader (code at the end) uses raymarching to render procedural geometry: However, in the image (above) the cube in …

unity3d shader
ThreeJS predefined shader attributes / uniforms

I have started with ThreeJS's WebGL renderer after doing some "regular" WebGL with no additional libraries + GLSL shaders. I am …

three.js glsl shader
glLineStipple deprecated in OpenGL 3.1

glLineStipple has been deprecated in the latest OpenGL APIs. What is it replaced with? If not replaced, how can I …

opengl glsl shader line opengl-4