Top "Opengl-4" questions

OpenGL 4 is the current iteration of the OpenGL standard, designed to reflect newest capabilities of modern GPU in 3D rendering.

What is state-of-the-art for text rendering in OpenGL as of version 4.1?

There are already a number of questions about text rendering in OpenGL, such as: How to do OpenGL live text-rendering …

opengl text glsl shader opengl-4
Learning modern OpenGL

I am aware that there were similar questions in past few years, but after doing some researches I still can't …

c++ opengl shader opengl-4
OpenGL 4.x learning resources

I know there are some question about learning OpenGL. Here is what I know: math for 3D 3D theory Here …

opengl shader opengl-3 opengl-4
OpenGL 4.1 and 3.1+, What are key differences?

I understand that OpenGL 4 and 3 are fairly similar, especially 3.1 and 4.1. With both being essentially released together, it can be difficult …

opengl 3d performance opengl-3 opengl-4
Difference in glGenBuffers and glCreateBuffers

Given we are using OpenGL 4.5 or have support for the GL_ARB_direct_state_access extension, we have the new …

opengl opengl-4
What does GLEW do and why do I need it?

Okay, so I already know why I need GLEW, but only up to a point. If I am using modern …

opengl opengl-3 glew opengl-4
When should I use STD140 in OpenGL?

When do I use the STD140 for uniform blocks in OpenGL? Although I am not a 100% sure, I believe there …

opengl glsl opengl-3 opengl-4
glLineStipple deprecated in OpenGL 3.1

glLineStipple has been deprecated in the latest OpenGL APIs. What is it replaced with? If not replaced, how can I …

opengl glsl shader line opengl-4
Opengl: Use single channel texture as alpha channel to display text

What I'm trying to do is load a texture into hardware from a single channel data array and use it's …

c++ opengl text opengl-4
(OpenGL 3.1 - 4.2) Dynamic Uniform Arrays?

Lets say I have 2 species such as humans and ponies. They have different skeletal systems so the uniform bone array …

opengl glsl opengl-3 opengl-4