Top "Glew" questions

The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library (GLEW) is a cross-platform open-source C/C++ extension loading library.

Visual Studio 2012 - error LNK1104: cannot open file 'glew32.lib'

I am having issues compiling a basic openGL program on VS 2012. I get a build error upon compiltation giving me: 1&…

c++ opengl visual-studio-2012 glew
Include Headers from added frameworks on Xcode

I want to work with some frameworks like glew and cg so i manually added the needed frameworks to my …

xcode macos frameworks glew cg
compiling OpenGL program GL/glew.h missing

I installed OpenGL onto my computer running Linux Mint following the instructions on this tutorial. I am trying to compile …

linux opengl glew
Cmake link library target link error

Hi I have problem with linkg Glfw and other libraries using cmake. From command line i compile like this g++ …

c++ opengl cmake glut glew
Building glew on windows with mingw

Can anyone give me the correct command to build glew on windows with mingw? I have tried: gcc -static glew.…

c++ mingw glew
Linking GLEW with CMake

How can you link GLEW to a project with CMake? We've been trying to link GLEW to our project using …

cmake dynamic-linking glew
Building glew for Mac OSX

I have spent the day struggling to get my simple engine to work on Mac. I have SDL working and …

macos opengl glew
glewInit() Failed, OpenGL App

I'm trying to build an OpenGL App with glew/glfw. I've downloaded the binaries, placed them in the root of …

opengl glew
Installation of all OpenGL libraries for development in Ubuntu 11.10

I've got a just installed ubuntu 11.10. I follow the first answer in this question. I installed: freeglut3 freeglut3-dev igor@…

c++ c opengl ubuntu glew
difference of freeglut vs glew?

I've recently started learning OpenGL (> 3.3) & I've noticed a lot of examples & tutorials use both freeglut & glew, …

opengl glew freeglut glfw