Top "Glew" questions

The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library (GLEW) is a cross-platform open-source C/C++ extension loading library.

Why does glGetString(GL_VERSION) return null / zero instead of the OpenGL version?

I'm on Linux Mint 13 XFCE. My problem is that when I run in terminal the command: glxinfo | grep "OpenGL version" …

c++ opengl glut glew
How can I solve `glew32.dll is missing from your computer` issue of my OpenGL program?

When I'm trying to build and run my OpenGL+GLEW+GLFW program, it builds just fine but wont run, giving …

opengl dll glew
Failed to Initialize GLEW. Missing GL version

I've tried to set up SFML 2.0 with the latest version of the qt creator, I've set up SFML right and …

c++ opengl qt-creator sfml glew
Difference between OpenGL files glew.h and gl.h/glu.h

I've built an OpenGL program with my glu and gl header files default included in windows 7 professional edition. Now, I've …

opengl glut glew
glCreateShader is crashing

I should have the newest version of Glew and Glut so that shouldn't be the problem. Everything should be linked, …

c opengl graphics glut glew
OpenGL: glGetError() returns invalid enum after call to glewInit()

I use GLEW and freeglut. For some reason, after a call to glewInit(), glGetError() returns error code 1280, even with glewExperimental = …

c++ opengl freeglut glew
How to link glew in xcode

I can't link glew with xcode. I have glew library is located in /usr/local/lib/libGLEW.dylib When i …

c++ xcode macos opengl glew
Why am I getting error LNK1104: cannot open file 'glew32.lib'

I've already read many answers that wanted to solve this issue but none of them work. I don't think I'm …

c++ opengl glew
Problems linking GLEW with Visual Studios

I have tried several ways to get GLEW working with my VS2010 project. No success. At first I tried using …

visual-studio-2010 opengl linker glew
cannot convert 'LPCWSTR {aka const wchar_t*}' to 'LPCSTR {aka const char*}

I have been trying to get Glew and opengl 3.2 working with code blocks(minGW) in a win32 context. i found …

c++ winapi mingw codeblocks glew