Top "Depth-buffer" questions

Depth buffering(Z-buffering), is the management of image depth coordinates in three-dimensional (3-D) graphics.

Android OpenGL ES Framebuffer objects - rendering depth-buffer to texture

I am using an Android device running Froyo supporting OpenGL ES 1.1 and OpenGL ES 2.0 I want to render the depth …

android opengl-es depth-buffer
How to render depth linearly in modern OpenGL with gl_FragCoord.z in fragment shader?

I read lots of information about getting depth with fragment shader. such as…

opengl glsl shader depth depth-buffer
Why is GL_LEQUAL recommended for the GL depth function (and why doesn't it work for me)?

On the GL wiki they recommend using GL_LEQUAL for the depth function. Also, the depth function defaults to GL_…

c++ opengl depth-buffer
Why do I need depthBuffer to use RenderTexture?

I think that I don't quite get the Unity rendering engine. I use RenderTexture to generate the screenshot (I need …

c# camera unity3d render depth-buffer
Render depth from framebuffer texture

I've been trying to add SSAO (based on the tutorial here: to a …

opengl textures framebuffer depth depth-buffer
Early Z-test / depth-test in DirectX 11

As a DirectX noob i'm trying to wrap my head around depth buffers and specifically how pixel shaders are called …

optimization directx directx-11 depth-buffer depth-testing
How can I read the depth buffer in WebGL?

Using the WebGL API, how can I get a value from the depth buffer, or in any other way determine 3…

opengl-es webgl depth-buffer
Meaning and usage of the factor parameter in glPolygonOffset

I am having difficulty understanding the meaning of the first parameter in glPolygonOffset function. void glPolygonOffset(GLfloat factor, GLfloat units); …

c opengl graphics depth-buffer depth-testing
OpenGL, how to use depthbuffer from framebuffer as usual depth buffer

I have frame buffer, with depth component and 4 color attachments with 4 textures I draw some stuff into it and unbind …

opengl framebuffer depth-buffer
OpenGL es 2.0 Read depth buffer

As far as i know, we can't read the Z(depth) value in OpenGL ES 2.0. So I am wondering how …

opengl-es depth-buffer