Top "Sass" questions

Sass (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) is an extension of CSS adding features like nested rules, variables, mixins and class extensions.

Sass - two classes in a single tag

So, i need a style for my existing CSS .question_actions { float: right; font-size: 1em; width: 110px; } .…

css sass
how to watch changes in whole directory/folder containing many sass files

How could I trace changes in whole directory containing many sass files ? I'm using the following command to watch changes …

css sass build-process watch
Creating CSS3 Circles connected by lines

I have to implement the following circle and line combination in CSS and I am looking for pointers on how …

css css-float sass
Can't import CSS/SCSS modules. TypeScript says "Cannot Find Module"

I'm trying to import a theme from a CSS module but TypeScript gives me a "Cannot Find Module" error and …

typescript import sass webpack css-modules
Using FontAwesome with Sass

I'm trying to use FontAwesome in a web Compass project. As there's no specific documentation in the FontAwesome page, and …

sass compass-sass font-awesome
How to use Sass in Visual Studio 2013

How can I use the Sass CSS preprocessor in Visual Studio 2013? Are there any extensions that provide support for Sass?

visual-studio visual-studio-2013 sass css-preprocessor
How to overwrite SCSS variables when compiling to CSS

I'm trying to use jqtouch theming which is based on SASS and COMPASS. I have a file custom.scss with …

sass compass-sass jqtouch
How to use bootstrap 4 in angular 2?

I'm building an angular 2 app written in typescript. It would use the bootstrap 4 framework in combination with some custom theming, …

twitter-bootstrap typescript angular npm sass
CSS-Only Sticky Table Headers In Chrome

I have the following Sass snippet in which I want the <thead> to float as the table scrolls. …

css google-chrome sass
Does LESS have an "extend" feature?

SASS has a feature called @extend which allows a selector to inherit the properties of another selector, but without copying …

css sass less extend