Top "Sass" questions

Sass (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) is an extension of CSS adding features like nested rules, variables, mixins and class extensions.

How to compile less/sass files in Visual Studio 2017

In VS <= 2015 we can use WebEssentials extension that takes care for compiling the less/sass files for us, but …

visual-studio sass less visual-studio-2017 css-preprocessor
How to control number of items per row using media queries in Flexbox?

So imagine I have the following Markup <div class="container"> <div class="item"></div> &…

css sass flexbox media-queries
Using Sass Variables with CSS3 Media Queries

I'm trying to combine the use of a Sass variable with @media queries as follows: $base_width:1160px; @media screen …

sass media-queries
How to resolve "You need to have Ruby and Sass installed and in your PATH for this task to work" Warning?

I am in the process of setting up a new Mac for work. I have installed Grunt & Grunt CLI …

ruby macos bash terminal sass
Using @include vs @extend in Sass?

In Sass, I can't quite discern the difference between using @include with a mixin and using @extend with a placeholder …

Creating or referencing variables dynamically in Sass

I'm trying to use string interpolation on my variable to reference another variable: // Set up variable and mixin $foo-baz: 20px; @…

variables sass
Change text color based on brightness of the covered background area?

I've thought about the following for a while already, so now I want to know your opinions, possible solutions, and …

javascript jquery html css sass
Sass support for Sublime Text 2?

Is there an existing package for editing Sass in Sublime Text 2? This seems to be popular:…

sass sublimetext
Node Sass does not yet support your current environment: Linux 64-bit with false

Getting this error on Arch Linux with node-sass. I'm using it with gulp-sass. Node Sass does not yet support your …

node.js sass archlinux gulp-sass node-sass
How do you define attribute selectors in SASS?

In CSS, you can do this: input[type=submit] { // properties } It's a very useful for styling form buttons. How do …

css attributes css-selectors sass