I'm trying to use string interpolation on my variable to reference another variable:
// Set up variable and mixin
$foo-baz: 20px;
@mixin do-this($bar) {
width: $foo-#{$bar};
// Use mixin by passing 'baz' string as a param for use $foo-baz variable in the mixin
@include do-this('baz');
But when I do this, I get the following error:
Undefined variable: "$foo-".
Does Sass support PHP-style variable variables?
This is actually possible to do using SASS maps instead of variables. Here is a quick example:
Referencing dynamically:
$colors: (
blue: #007dc6,
blue-hover: #3da1e0
@mixin colorSet($colorName) {
color: map-get($colors, $colorName);
&:hover {
color: map-get($colors, $colorName#{-hover});
a {
@include colorSet(blue);
Outputs as:
a { color:#007dc6 }
a:hover { color:#3da1e0 }
Creating dynamically:
@function addColorSet($colorName, $colorValue, $colorHoverValue: null) {
$colorHoverValue: if($colorHoverValue == null, darken( $colorValue, 10% ), $colorHoverValue);
$colors: map-merge($colors, (
$colorName: $colorValue,
$colorName#{-hover}: $colorHoverValue
@return $colors;
@each $color in blue, red {
@if not map-has-key($colors, $color) {
$colors: addColorSet($color, $color);
a {
&.#{$color} { @include colorSet($color); }
Outputs as:
a.blue { color: #007dc6; }
a.blue:hover { color: #3da1e0; }
a.red { color: red; }
a.red:hover { color: #cc0000; }