Top "Css-preprocessor" questions

CSS-preprocessors are languages written for the sole purpose of adding cool, inventive features to CSS while requiring minimal, yet efficient, code.

How to compile less/sass files in Visual Studio 2017

In VS <= 2015 we can use WebEssentials extension that takes care for compiling the less/sass files for us, but …

visual-studio sass less visual-studio-2017 css-preprocessor
How to use Sass in Visual Studio 2013

How can I use the Sass CSS preprocessor in Visual Studio 2013? Are there any extensions that provide support for Sass?

visual-studio visual-studio-2013 sass css-preprocessor
Can I use webpack to generate CSS and JS separately?

I have: JS files that I want to bundle. LESS files that I want to compile down to CSS (resolving @…

javascript css webpack build css-preprocessor
How to @extend from another sass file, or how to achieve OOSASS?

My question is actually broader than the title says. This is just where I am running into a snag with …

css sass oocss css-preprocessor
How to use Angular 4 with SASS

I'm starting my first project using Angular4 and sass and I'm trying to figure it out how to work with …

css angular sass angular-cli css-preprocessor
How to define a dynamic mixin or function name in SASS?

I want to dynamically create mixins in SASS, named after each item in the list, but it doesn't seem to …

css sass mixins css-preprocessor dynamic-function
HTML/CSS Obfuscation Compiling

I have a question about obfuscate the final output of an HTML and CSS file. Lets stay I have this …

html css css-preprocessor
What is the meaning of an ampersand in Less selectors?

I download a project, and in it there use less write the stylesheet. And in the script code the name: …

css css-selectors less css-preprocessor
Sass Invalid CSS...: expected expression (e.g. 1px, bold), was "{"

I have the following Sass, following this example for @each: @each $flag in USA, EUR, JPN { a.#{$flag} { display:inline-block; …

css sass css-preprocessor
How can a browser know the scss files?

I see this html template, and inspect it using Chrome inspection tool. I'm surprised to know that my browser can …

css browser sass css-preprocessor