Top "Sass" questions

Sass (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) is an extension of CSS adding features like nested rules, variables, mixins and class extensions.

Attaching a Sass/SCSS to HTML docs

Hello I am new to web design and I have many questions about it. I want to learn how to …

html css sass
sass --watch with automatic minify?

Is there a way to run: sass --watch a.scss:a.css but have a.css end up being minified? …

css sass minify
Sass calculate percent minus px

I want to be able to do the following: height: 25% - 5px; Obviously when I do that I get the …

Sass and combined child selector

I've just discovered Sass, and I've been so excited about it. In my website I implement a tree-like navigation menu, …

css css-selectors sass
File to import not found or unreadable: compass

I successfully installed Sass, but I'm having trouble importing Compass. The following is the error detail: *Syntax error: File to …

sass compass-sass
Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run next command `npm update caniuse-lite browserslist`

Recently, when I compile my scss files I get an error. The error message says: Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please …

npm sass autoprefixer web-compiler
Make div 100% Width of Browser Window

I'm trying to make one of my containers 100% of the width of the screen. Here is my SASS body, html { …

html css sass fullscreen
Angular-cli from css to scss

I've read the documentation, which says that if I want to use scss I have to run the following command: …

css angular sass angular6 angular-cli
Error: Cannot find module 'gulp-sass'

When I compile with gulp, I got an error like below. How can I fix it? module.js:339 throw err; ^ …

sass npm gulp
When using SASS how can I import a file from a different directory?

In SASS, is it possible to import a file from another directory? For example, if I had a structure like …

import sass