Top "Autoprefixer" questions

Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from Can I Use.

Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run next command `npm update caniuse-lite browserslist`

Recently, when I compile my scss files I get an error. The error message says: Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please …

npm sass autoprefixer web-compiler
css autoprefixer with webpack

I have been trying to configure webpack with LESS and Autoprefixer, but autoprefixer does not seem to work. My css …

webpack autoprefixer postcss
Gulp-autoprefixer throwing ReferenceError: Promise is not defined

I try to make a gulp compile my sass then autoprefixit with gulp-autoprefixer but i'm getting an error. var gulp = …

node.js npm gulp autoprefixer
webpack (with sass-loader) - scss file @import does not recognize resolve alias

My project structure: webpack.config.js app-- --> src ---->> components ------>>> myComponent.js …

sass webpack autoprefixer sass-loader
Gulp Autoprefixer Not Working

I'm unable to get Autoprefixer to work with Gulp. I'm using opacity in my CSS, gradients, and transforms and there …

css sass gulp autoprefixer
npm with node-sass and autoprefixer

I use node-sass to compile all my Sass files to a master.css. This works well but now I want …

node.js compilation npm autoprefixer node-sass
Use Autoprefixer in npm without Gulp

Do I need to install all these dependencies and devDependencies to use autoprefixer in node, although I do not use …

node.js npm autoprefixer
How can I configure Autoprefixer in Angular 7

I'm using autoprefix in Angular 7 Project. But When I open the browser devtools and focus the element with class "simple-content", …

angular flexbox prefix autoprefixer vendor-prefix
gulp autoprefixer doesn't add moz prefix

I am using gulp with autoprefixer in my project, and I have to use backgrounds gradient like this: background: linear-gradient(#…

mozilla gulp linear-gradients autoprefixer
Gulp sourcemap with less/concat/autoprefixer/minifycss?

Is it possible to generate a sourcemap with all these transformations? gulp.task('styles', function() { return gulp.src(source.styles) .…

less concat gulp source-maps autoprefixer