Top "Vendor-prefix" questions

In CSS, identifiers may begin with '-' (dash) or '_' (underscore).

List of CSS vendor prefixes?

Besides the following list, are there other CSS vendor prefixes that are important for web development? Are my definitions correct? …

css vendor-prefix
How do I apply vendor prefixes to inline styles in reactjs?

CSS properties in React are not automatically added with their vendor prefixes. For example, with: <div style={{ transform: 'rotate(90…

css reactjs vendor-prefix
What is the -mso- prefix for in CSS?

I understand what other browser specific code names such as -moz- and -webkit- are used, the former for mozilla and …

css vendor-prefix
text field not working in safari

I'm working on an online eBay profit forecasting calculator here I can't seem to get the input fields to work …

css safari vendor-prefix
IOS Safari transition transform not working

Whenever I seem to apply some code to let's say move a div for example using the latest iOS Safari …

css safari css-transitions vendor-prefix
How to validate vendor prefixes in CSS like -webkit- and -moz-?

I use the webkit/mozilla border radius and box shadow CSS properties, but I want the CSS to validate (which …

css w3c-validation vendor-prefix
-webkit-transform not working in Internet Explorer

I've found that -webkit-transform: rotateZ(10deg); doesn't work in Internet Explorer 9. What can be used instead of that using CSS3?

internet-explorer css vendor-prefix
Setting vendor-prefixed CSS using javascript a huge pain. var transform = 'translate3d(0,0,0)'; = transform; = transform; = …

javascript css vendor-prefix
CSS - border-radius doesn't display in IE6/7/8

I'm using the following CSS to achieve a rounded border on my DIV: border: 1px solid #999; border-radius: 6px; -ms-border-radius: 6px; …

internet-explorer cross-browser css vendor-prefix
Are There Specific CSS Selectors Targeting IE10?

Since IE is getting rid of conditional comments in version 10, I'm in dire need to find a "CSS hack" targeting …

css internet-explorer css-selectors css-hack vendor-prefix