Top "Prompt" questions

prompt is a command-line or graphical interface which presents the user with a line editor or modal dialog and suspends execution until input is returned

display a non-selectable default value for JComboBox

I have a JComboBox that contains three Items {"Personel", "Magasinier", "Fournisseur"}. I want this JComboBox to display the value "Choisir …

java swing jcombobox prompt listcellrenderer
Sourcesafe command line options

I am having an issue with the Microsoft Visual Sourcesafe command line options that I'm hoping someone has run across …

command-line visual-sourcesafe default-value prompt suppression
How can I shorten the path of a DOS prompt?

My path on my DOS prompt is ridiculously long. How can I shorten this? C:\RUBY\Ruby_Practice\prep-work-master\coding-test-2\…

cmd prompt
Adding hint to TextField

I want to add a TextField with an integrated hint text, a user prompt, a placeholder until the user enters …

java vaadin textfield prompt hint
Color for the PROMPT (just the PROMPT proper) in cmd.exe and PowerShell?

So in Bash you just configure PS1 to add colors to your prompt. I'm talking about the prompt proper, not …

powershell command-prompt prompt cmd
Prompt dialog in WSH using JScript?

How to open a prompt dialog box in WSH usig JScript?? The only pop-up dialog I've found in the doc …

prompt jscript wsh windows-scripting
Node.js synchronous prompt

I'm using the prompt library for Node.js and I have this code: var fs = require('fs'), prompt = require('prompt'), …

node.js prompt
How to change the prompt in oh my zsh and add hostname to it?

My oh my zsh prompt reads something like: tenant-application git:(beta-4-1) I want it to read something like: homestead …

ubuntu terminal prompt oh-my-zsh
Meteor command not found

I installed the same version from Official Windows Meteor Support on one computer and the command "meteor" runs normally, now …

meteor command prompt
How to use java program to run command prompt commands?

this is my first time posting here, so I'm not really sure what to say/ask. Anyways, I am trying …

java command command-prompt ping prompt