Top "Wsh" questions

For questions relating to Windows Script Host (WSH), a language-independent scripting host for the Windows operating system.

"rm -rf" equivalent for Windows?

I need a way to recursively delete a folder and its children. Is there a prebuilt tool for this, or …

windows cmd wsh
Can I pass an argument to a VBScript (vbs file launched with cscript)?

I have this script saved in "test.vbs": Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set File = FSO.OpenTextFile(workFolder &"\test.…

vbscript parameters execution arguments wsh
Windows XP or later Windows: How can I run a batch file in the background with no window displayed?

I know I have already answered a similar question (Running Batch File in background when windows boots up), but this …

windows batch-file cmd wsh
how can I check if a file exists?

I want to check to see if a file exists and if it does, I want to open it and …

vbscript wsh
Base64 Encode String in VBScript

I have a web service load driver that's a Windows Script File (WSF), that includes some VBScript and JavaScript files. …

encoding vbscript base64 wsh
Difference between wscript and cscript

What is the difference between cscript and wscript? Which is best for doing Telnet and FTP automation in Windows?

windows ftp telnet wsh
I need to write VBS WScript.Echo output to text or cvs

I am attempting to write a VBScript that will list all of the installed application on a system in a …

csv text vbscript echo wsh
VBScript getting results from Shell

Set wshShell = WScript.CreateObject ("") "runas ..." How do I get the results and display in a MsgBox

scripting vbscript wsh windows-scripting
Can I pick up environment variables in vbscript WSH script?

Is is possible to read system environment variables in a Windows Scripting Host (WSH) VBS script? (I am writing a …

vbscript environment-variables wsh
How do I set the timezone from command line ?

How can I set the timezone in Windows from command line or from a batch file? Do I need to …

windows command-line batch-file timezone wsh