Top "Windows-scripting" questions

Windows Scripting refers to any of the various scripting technologies that ship with Microsoft Windows products.

How do I execute cmd commands through a batch file?

I want to write a batch file that will do following things in given order: Open cmd Run cmd command …

batch-file cmd windows-scripting
PSEXEC, access denied errors

While I'm using PSEXEC.exe getting 'Access denied' error for remote systems. Any idea about how to solve this?

access-denied psexec windows-scripting
How to stop a vb script running in windows

I'm using windows 7 I wrote a script to check whether My Laptop is running in Battery or AC current. I …

scripting vbscript windows-scripting
VBScript getting results from Shell

Set wshShell = WScript.CreateObject ("") "runas ..." How do I get the results and display in a MsgBox

scripting vbscript wsh windows-scripting
How to capture the Return Value of a ScriptBlock invoked with Powershell's Invoke-Command

My question is very similar to this one, except I'm trying to capture the return code of a ScriptBlock using …

powershell return-value exit-code windows-scripting invoke-command
.bat If Then Statement

I need help with writing a batch script for if file newfile.txt exists then del "InDesignData.txt" ren "newfile.…

batch-file windows-scripting
Windows script - run silent but wait for completion / return right code

Here's my situation: I have a BAT file that takes a long time to run (1minute to 70 minutes) I schedule …

windows deployment batch-file scheduled-tasks windows-scripting
When to choose development of a PowerShell Module over PowerShell Script

I am about to write a PowerShell Script for Windows administrators, in order to help them in certain tasks related …

powershell module windows-scripting
Batch script to remove parts of a filename

Help please! I need to remove time stamp and file number off of the filename using a windows batch script. …

batch-file file-rename windows-scripting batch-rename
Prompt dialog in WSH using JScript?

How to open a prompt dialog box in WSH usig JScript?? The only pop-up dialog I've found in the doc …

prompt jscript wsh windows-scripting