Top "Prompt" questions

prompt is a command-line or graphical interface which presents the user with a line editor or modal dialog and suspends execution until input is returned

Custom PowerShell prompts

I'm looking for different examples of custom Powershell prompt function implementations. If you have a custom implementation of your own …

powershell prompt
json xhr response opens a download file popup window

For one of our ajax request (with a .json response) some of our clients have complained that they are seeing …

json download prompt xmlhttprequest
How to prompt user for manual parameters when running build in Team City?

Say you make an automatic deploy script in TeamCity. The script uses SSH for connection to the prod-environment. I do …

deployment teamcity credentials prompt manual
Cognos Report with Multiple Optional Prompts

I have a report requirement where the user wishes to have 2 multi-select optional prompts. Scenario A. If User selects value(…

filter prompt cognos
How can I prompt for yes/no style confirmation in a zsh script?

Using zsh, I'm trying to put a step in my ~/.zprofile where I interactively ask a yes/no style question. …

bash scripting zsh prompt
Where exactly Git Bash for Windows' prompt is defined?

Both my office and home computers have Git Bash for Windows from the very same source (Git for Windows, that …

windows git bash prompt
How to pass 'yes' to python flush?

According to this StackOverflow thread about piping input, running echo "yes" | command should pass yes to the first prompt of …

django bash prompt
Is it possible to customize Terminator's prompt / hostname (user@domain) colors?

So far I have not seen anything on customizing the Terminator "prompt" colors. I know it is possible through ~/.bashrc …

colors prompt hostname terminator
Cognos Report Studio Prompt Macros

Is there a full guide for the use of prompt macros? I have used a few to filter date and …

macros report prompt cognos
Powershell - Prompt user then expire prompt after xx seconds

I am trying to display a promp for user action and if no action is taken have the prompt close …

powershell timer prompt timed