Top "Prompt" questions

prompt is a command-line or graphical interface which presents the user with a line editor or modal dialog and suspends execution until input is returned

To get a prompt which indicates Git-branch in Zsh

I run the following codes separately as my prompt unsuccessfully in .zshrc. This suggests me that apparently I do not …

git zsh prompt
ZSH: Hide computer name in terminal

How would I hide the computer name in the prompt while using the terminal? At the moment it shows both …

zsh prompt
Command prompt having trouble escaping quotes and braces

I am trying to execute the following line in command prompt: curl -X POST -d '{ "method" : "account_info", "params" : [ { "…

escaping command quotes prompt curly-braces
how to show current directory in ipython prompt

Is there is way to show the current directory in IPython prompt? Instead of this: In [1]: Something like this: In&…

python ipython prompt
What is the difference between PS1 and PROMPT_COMMAND

While taking a look at this awesome thread I noticed that some examples use PS1="Blah Blah Blah" and some …

bash prompt
JavaScript - multi-line textbox in prompt()?

Is there anyway to make the textbox/input box in prompt multiline?

javascript prompt
How can I make an expect script prompt for a password?

I have an expect script that connects to a few routers through ssh. All these routers have the same password (…

passwords prompt expect
Prompt JavaScript If Else Unexpected Token else

I'm teaching myself JavaScript using Code Academy and I'm trying to make some simple code so that when prompt asks …

javascript if-statement syntax-error prompt
Search for a string in command line output

I want to search for the string "virtual" in "system model" attribute of 'sysinfo' command. The command should be successful …

windows batch-file command prompt
How to respond to password prompt when using SCP in a shell script?

First of all, I am well aware of that there are many of questions regarding this topic. I have read …

shell passwords scp prompt keyboard-events