Top "Prompt" questions

prompt is a command-line or graphical interface which presents the user with a line editor or modal dialog and suspends execution until input is returned

Python: Using getpass with argparse

I've had a look around, but couldn't find anything. Basically I was wondering if it was possible to use getpass.…

python passwords arguments prompt
zsh: update prompt with current time when a command is started

I have a zsh prompt I rather like: it evaluates the current time in precmd and displays that on the …

zsh prompt zsh-zle
Allowing ActiveXObject for a trusted site

I've had an idea that would greatly improve the intranet homepage at an organisation, but this idea needs activexobject. During …

internet-explorer activex prompt activexobject
How to print current bash prompt?

The question is simple. I want to evaluate current value of PS1 in my bash script. All materials on google …

bash prompt ps1
How to insert an environment variable inside the bash prompt

I can set an environment variable inside the bash prompt like this: export PS1="[\u@\H/$FOO \W]\$ " The prompt …

bash environment-variables prompt
How to "prompt" a subform for user input in VB?

Here is what i want to achieve in my project : When a user press a button, a form pop out … forms prompt subform
SweetAlert Prompt issue in bootstrap modal

I have been trying for more than two days to run SweetAlert prompt in a modal bootstrap without success, the …

twitter-bootstrap-3 bootstrap-modal prompt sweetalert
htaccess htpasswd no prompt

I'm trying to protect a folder using '.htaccess' and '.htpasswd'. I used …

.htaccess login prompt .htpasswd
How can the last command's wall time be put in the Bash prompt?

Is there a way to embed the last command's elapsed wall time in a Bash prompt? I'm hoping for something …

bash time prompt
Is there a way to add a prompt during the docker build process?

I'm using Docker to create a specific nginx container with SSL. But I don't want my SSL files to be …

shell docker prompt