Cognos Report Studio Prompt Macros

TheMadCapLaughs27 picture TheMadCapLaughs27 · Feb 20, 2013 · Viewed 8k times · Source

Is there a full guide for the use of prompt macros?

I have used a few to filter date and text fields (I found them looking around), I am looking to use a macro prompt with a combo (in this case with static fields).

Examples I used: ORGID=#prompt('OrganizationID')# to_date(#sq(prompt('Start_Date','DATE'))#,'YYYY-MM-DD') (what does sq means btw?)



Nick.McDermaid picture Nick.McDermaid · Feb 21, 2013

sq() means surround in single quotes.

The most information I've found is in the Framework Manager guide. This contains info including an explanation of sq

I have built my own document from all the fragments on the internet.