How to change the prompt in oh my zsh and add hostname to it?

Rohan picture Rohan · Feb 7, 2017 · Viewed 13.4k times · Source

My oh my zsh prompt reads something like:

tenant-application git:(beta-4-1) 

I want it to read something like:

homestead tenant-application git:(beta-4-1) 

Or something similar where I can understand the hostname of the machine

When I do echo $PROMPT, it says

${ret_status} %{$fg[cyan]%}%c%{$reset_color%} $(git_prompt_info)

I tried:

export PROMPT=${ret_status} ${hostname} %{$fg[cyan]%}%c%{$reset_color%} $(git_prompt_info)

But the error said:

zsh: not an identifier: %{^[[36m%}%c%{^[[00m%}

What am I doing wrong and how to make the right thing permanent?


Markus Ankenbrand picture Markus Ankenbrand · Feb 7, 2017

Add quotes to avoid immediate expansion of your expressions. Further the hostname up to the first dot can be inserted by using %m or the full hostname with %M (see

So this command should work:

export PROMPT='${ret_status} %m %{$fg[cyan]%}%c%{$reset_color%} $(git_prompt_info)'

To make this permanent you can just add this line to your .zshrc file in your home directory.