Top "Hint" questions

Watermark / hint text / placeholder TextBox

How can I put some text into a TextBox which is removed automatically when user types something in it?

c# wpf textbox watermark hint
OPTION (RECOMPILE) is Always Faster; Why?

I encountered an odd situation where appending OPTION (RECOMPILE) to my query causes it to run in half a second, …

sql sql-server sql-server-2008 compilation hint
PHPDoc type hinting for array of objects?

So, in PHPDoc one can specify @var above the member variable declaration to hint at its type. Then an IDE, …

php ide phpdoc var hint
How do I put hint in a asp:textbox

How do I put a hint/placeholder inside a asp:TextBox? When I say a hint I mean some text … css html placeholder hint
Android EditText view Floating Hint in Material Design

Does API 21 provide a method to use the following feature: …

android text edit hint
Android EditText for password with android:hint

Just noticed that android:password has been deprecated, and we should be using android:inputType. Was experimenting with it by …

android xml passwords android-edittext hint
HTML input field hint

I want to provide the user with a hint on what he needs to enter into my text field. However, …

html textfield hint
Flutter: how to make a TextField with HintText but no Underline?

This is what I'm trying to make: In the Flutter docs for Text Fields ( it says …

flutter dart textfield underline hint
Java JTextField with input hint

I would like to add a hint value to my javax.swing.JTextField. It should look like Firefox rendering of &…

java swing input jtextfield hint
How to hint the index to use in a MySQL select query?

I have a MySQL query (running MySQL 5.0.88), which I'm trying to speed up. The underlying table has multiple indices and …

mysql sql indexing hint