Top "Orientation" questions

Orientation is the way up, down, left or right something is facing or being held in.

AlertDialog Displays Landscape-Sized View with Orientation in Landscape

My app's main activity is set in the manifest to always be in portrait view. This works fine when I …

android orientation android-alertdialog landscape-portrait
ipad portrait orientation css, only landscape will work

if you go here on an iPad, and click through to Chapter1 > …

css ipad orientation landscape portrait
iOS 8 UIActionSheet ignores view controller supportedInterfaceOrientations and shouldAutorotate

I have an application that is configured via the plist file to support portrait, landscape left, and landscape right orientations (…

ios rotation orientation ios8 uiactionsheet
Force landscape for one view controller ios

I've looked at several answers to questions similar but none of the answer worked. I have an app where I …

iphone ios uinavigationcontroller orientation viewcontroller
How to deal with orientation change with a ProgressDialog showing?

I am showing a ProgressDialog in the onPreExecute method of an AsyncTask object and canceling the ProgressDialog in the onPostExecute …

android orientation progressdialog
How to use ExifInterface with a stream or URI

I'm writing an app that can be sent a photo URI from the "Share via" menu in Android. The kind …

android stream orientation uri exif
Embedded linux framebuffer rotate

I have to integrate an LCD screen to my embedded linux (ARM9) system. The LCD is portrait 320x480 and I …

rotation embedded orientation framebuffer lcd
Difference between orientation sensor and magnetic field sensor on Android?

Does anyone know the difference between the orientation sensor and magnetic field sensor on Android? My understanding: orientation => digital …

android orientation magnetometer digital-compass
UIDevice currentDevice's "orientation" always null

As per the title. Calling [[UIDevice currentDevice] BeginGeneratingDeviceOrientationNotifications] has no effect. DidRotateToInterfaceOrientation etc events are working fine, but I need …

iphone objective-c orientation uidevice interface-orientation
Orientation does not behave correctly with Photo in ALAsset

I current have an app that uses ALAsssetsLibrary to fetch the photos. I have placed the photo to an image …

iphone image orientation alassetslibrary