Top "Interface-orientation" questions

UIDevice currentDevice's "orientation" always null

As per the title. Calling [[UIDevice currentDevice] BeginGeneratingDeviceOrientationNotifications] has no effect. DidRotateToInterfaceOrientation etc events are working fine, but I need …

iphone objective-c orientation uidevice interface-orientation
Cannot rotate interface orientation to portrait upside down

Both on iPhone simulator and iPhone 3GS (iOS 6) I cannot manage to set the orientation to portrait upside down. I …

iphone ios6 storyboard portrait interface-orientation
Rotate UIViewController to counteract changes in UIInterfaceOrientation

I've been searching a lot on this, and can't find anything to help me. I have a UIViewController contained within …

iphone iphone-sdk-3.0 uiview uiviewcontroller interface-orientation
iPad launch orientation not detected

I have an iPad app that works correctly except for an odd issue during launch. I've read several questions & …

iphone orientation ipad interface-orientation