Top "Orientation" questions

Orientation is the way up, down, left or right something is facing or being held in.

android front and back camera captured picture orientation issue, rotated in a wrong way

I have a camera app in portrait mode which takes pictures from both front and back end cameras.The issue …

android camera orientation nexus-s
Sometimes don't get onCreateLoader callback after calling initLoader

I have an activity that calls initLoader when it is created in order to load the data that the activity …

android callback orientation loader
How can I flip/rotate a PrintDocument in .NET?

I have a document that I want to be flipped / rotated 180 degrees when printed. (This is due to the orientation …

.net orientation printdocument
What is the best way to detect orientation in an app extension?

What is the best way to detect a device's orientation in an application extension? I have had mixed results with …

ios orientation ios8 screen-orientation ios-app-extension
Activity Restarts when Orientation changes android?

I have a application ,where I am using Landscape and potrait mode. I have used android:configChanges="orientation|keyboardHidden" in …

android orientation screen-orientation android-orientation device-orientation
iPad launch orientation not detected

I have an iPad app that works correctly except for an odd issue during launch. I've read several questions & …

iphone orientation ipad interface-orientation
Compass direction is different depending on phone orientation

My augmented reality app needs the compass bearing of the camera view, and there's plenty of examples of getting the …

android orientation augmented-reality compass-geolocation android-sensors
How to change the position of layout when the orientation of screen change in android?

How to change the position of layout when the orientation of screen change in android ? I have a button in …

android android-layout orientation android-orientation
iOS 8 upside down orientation, XCode option enabled, still doesn't work

I have a universal application being developed in iOS8 (XCode 6.1.1). It will support all the 4 orientations (left, right, portrait & …

iphone xcode ios8 orientation