Top "Landscape-portrait" questions

The concept of a mobile device being able to be viewed both in landscape mode and in portrait mode.

What is the "right" way to handle orientation changes in iOS 8?

Can someone please tell me the "right" or "best" approach to working with portrait and landscape interface orientations in iOS 8? …

ios ios8 orientation uiinterfaceorientation landscape-portrait
Android - switching between landscape and portrait mode makes Intent lose values

I am using Intents to switch between activities in my Android app. I am putting data in the Intent for …

android android-orientation landscape-portrait
iOS: Image get rotated 90 degree after saved as PNG representation data

I have researched enough to get this working but not able to fix it. After taking picture from camera as …

iphone uiimage image-rotation ios5.1 landscape-portrait
Zxing Camera in Portrait mode on Android

I want to show portrait orientation on Zxing's camera. How can this be done?

android zxing landscape-portrait
How to run android apps in landscape mode and set preffered sizes in bluestacks emulator

I use bluestacks as the emulator for debuging and testing android apps with eclipse. But the problem is that I …

android landscape-portrait bluestacks
Creating different layout for android phone and tablet

This is a basic android question. I have app which need to have different screen design for a phone and …

android landscape-portrait
Dynamically change Portrait / Landscape orientation of crystal report in c#

How can I change the orientation of the crystal report in c# to Landscape orientation? I am using the crystal …

c# crystal-reports landscape-portrait
Autorotate a single UIViewController in iOS 6 with UITabBar

I have an app that work only in Portrait Mode, but there is a singleView that can display video, so …

iphone uiviewcontroller ios6 landscape-portrait
Resize a view when a keyboard appears (iOS)

I realize there are many similar solutions, such as TPKeyboardAvoiding, Apple's famous solution, and various suggestions involving the use of …

iphone ios ipad keyboard landscape-portrait
CSS responsive design - detect portrait display

I know it's with pure CSS possible to adapt the stylesheet according to screen dimensions, like this: @media (max-width: 959px) { /* …

css responsive-design landscape portrait landscape-portrait