OmniAuth is a flexible Ruby authentication library that standardizes multi-provider authentication for web applications
I am working through Ryan Bates railscast #235 OmniAuth Part 1, using the OmniAuth gem to allow users to sign in to …
ruby-on-rails omniauthI've a problem with authenticating Google account with my Rails app. I'm using omniauth-google-oauth2 gem with Devise. Always get this …
ruby-on-rails devise oauth-2.0 google-api omniauthThis question is related to this question already asked. Does this Facebook change mean that we have to store the …
facebook omniauth koalaI'm working on getting calendar data from google using OmniAuth and the google-oauth-2 strategy. If I put nothing into the …
ruby-on-rails google-calendar-api oauth-2.0 omniauthHere is my whole source code for a minimalist Devise+OmniAuth app. As you can see, the Japanese devise.ja.…
ruby-on-rails-3 internationalization devise omniauthThere is a NoMethodError in SessionsController#create. The twitter authentication page occurs but the callback URL is not working. The …
ruby-on-rails ruby omniauth railscastsI am using Devise with Omniauth to have users sign into my app with Facebook. I used the Railscast tutorials …
ruby-on-rails devise omniauthI'm using devise 2.0 and gem omniauth-twitter The problem is that twitter does not send an email in response, so the …
ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 devise omniauth