Top "Omniauth" questions

OmniAuth is a flexible Ruby authentication library that standardizes multi-provider authentication for web applications

OAuth::Unauthorized 401 Authorization Required using OmniAuth-Twitter in Rails 3.2

I have implemented several different strategies found in StackOverFlow, but so far, none seem to affect the error being thrown: …

ruby-on-rails-3 twitter omniauth
OmniAuth Strategies Facebook NoAuthorizationCodeError (must pass either a `code` parameter or a signed request (via `signed_request` parameter):

I am getting a error: OmniAuth::Strategies::Facebook::NoAuthorizationCodeError (must pass either a `code` parameter or a signed request (via `…

ruby-on-rails facebook facebook-javascript-sdk omniauth
Rails 4, Devise, Omniauth (with multiple providers)

I have spent days watching the RailsCasts on devise and omniauth and then going through related tutorials for setting up …

ruby-on-rails devise omniauth
Rails rspec and omniauth (integration testing)

My Rails 3.2 app uses OmniAuth and Devise to sign in with Twitter. The authentication system works fine. I would like …

ruby-on-rails-3 rspec integration-testing omniauth rspec-rails
Access token from devise+omniauth-facebook authentication for using in fb-graph

I used devise and omniauth-facebook in my Rails 3 app for Facebook authentication, based on this tutorial: Adding Facebook auth to …

facebook-graph-api ruby-on-rails-3.1 devise omniauth fb-graph
Remove '#_=_' from the Facebook redirect URL

According to the FB Graph API now appends a _=_ hash to the end of …

ruby-on-rails facebook omniauth
What does ":event => :authentication" do?

This is actually a pretty simple question but I can't seem to find the answer. In the Omniauth Overview on …

ruby-on-rails-3 devise omniauth
Display a Twitter feed from a Rails app

I have been able to have a user sign in with Twitter via OmniAuth (I followed Railscast #235-6 and made …

ruby-on-rails twitter omniauth railscasts
WEBrick: RequestURITooLarge: should I update or use a different server?

I currently have: $ rails s => Booting WEBrick => Rails 3.0.9 application starting in development on => Call with -d …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 omniauth webrick
omniauth google-oauth2 with devise - invalid_credentials and "Csrf detected"

Dear Fine People of SO: I am developing a Ruby app on Rails 3.2.12 (and I am still new to it). …

devise ruby-on-rails-3.2 omniauth google-oauth