Top "Omniauth" questions

OmniAuth is a flexible Ruby authentication library that standardizes multi-provider authentication for web applications

Refresh token using Omniauth-oauth2 in Rails application

I am using omniauth-oauth2 in rails to authenticate to a site which supports oauth2. After doing the oauth dance, the …

ruby-on-rails oauth ruby-on-rails-4 oauth-2.0 omniauth
Rails: Could not authenticate you from Facebook because "Invalid credentials"

I integrated omniauth-facebook using But I am getting error of : Could not …

facebook ruby-on-rails-3.2 omniauth
SSL_connect SYSCALL returned=5 errno=0 state=SSLv2/v3 read server hello A - Faraday::Error::ConnectionFailed

I've seen many answers here, but none of them has worked. I'm using omniauth-oauth2 gem to integrate with a third-party …

ruby-on-rails ruby omniauth
Rails: retrieving image from Facebook after Omniauth login with Devise

I setup Facebook login with Devise and omniauth with these instructions The …

ruby-on-rails facebook-graph-api omniauth
Devise, OmniAuth & Facebook: "Not found. Authentication passthru."

Trying to follow along with and I'm stumped. I've got config.omniauth :…

ruby-on-rails devise omniauth
get user profile large picture from facebook with omniauth in devise 2.0

I want get the user profile large or normal picture from facebook. Now I get the square version from user …

ruby-on-rails facebook ruby-on-rails-3 facebook-graph-api omniauth
Which Ruby gems support the Facebook API?

I have a rails application using the Facebook API. I've seen several different Ruby gems for integrating with Facebook, but …

ruby-on-rails ruby facebook facebook-graph-api omniauth
undefined method `session_path'

I am using Rails + Devise + OmniAuth + Google OAuth2. My user model (user.rb) contains: devise :registerable, :omniauthable, :omniauth_providers => [:…

ruby-on-rails ruby devise omniauth
Creating Signature and Nonce for OAuth (Ruby)

I'm looking to access SmugMug's API from my application to grab users' albums and images (the users have been authenticated …

ruby-on-rails ruby oauth ruby-on-rails-3 omniauth
Getting "Error: redirect_uri_mismatch" with google_oauth2

The URL's seem right (Last updated them yesterday): The files too: omniauth.rb: provider :google_oauth2, 'MY_CLIENT_ID.apps.…

ruby-on-rails omniauth