OmniAuth is a flexible Ruby authentication library that standardizes multi-provider authentication for web applications
(FYI: I'm following the Twitter Omniauth from railscast #241. I used Twitter successfully, now going onto Facebook) As soon as I …
facebook omniauth faraday-oauthI am trying to set up Omniauth as described in this Railscast. While it works with Twitter, I am unable …
ruby-on-rails facebook localhost omniauthI'm trying to authenticate a user via Facebook or Twitter, get them to fill out their information, and then click …
ruby-on-rails heroku openssl omniauthI'm using the omniauth gem with rails and it works great with loging in users, but everytime it takes you …
ruby-on-rails facebook omniauthI am facing with the problem: "error": { "message": "Invalid redirect_uri: Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.", "…
ruby-on-rails facebook facebook-graph-api omniauthI'm following this post for integrating Omniauth Twitter + Devise and I have encounter an issue …
ruby-on-rails devise omniauthI'm building a Rails API and have successfully built a way for a user to authenticate using Omniauth Identity. We …
ruby-on-rails facebook authentication omniauthI am building a Rails application with Omniauth for log in service.To authenticate Google I am using OmniAuth Google …
ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 callback oauth-2.0 omniauthI am trying to implement omniauth-facebook as described in Railscast #360 and have run into quite a roadblock. When I click …
ruby-on-rails facebook omniauth