OmniAuth is a flexible Ruby authentication library that standardizes multi-provider authentication for web applications
I'm using OmniAuth Identity for normal logins. Rails 3.2.3 and Ruby 1.9.3p194. Currently, when an existing user attempts to login with …
ruby-on-rails ruby omniauthI've set up user auth for my rails App with Devise and Omniauth. Now I'm wondering where I should start …
iphone android ruby-on-rails devise omniauthI have read the omniauth oauth rdoc @consumer =, secret, { :site => "", :scheme => :…
ruby-on-rails oauth facebook-graph-api oauth-ruby omniauthI've noticed that when logging to Devise I have started to receive these error message. I'm using Devise 2.2.4 with Omniauth 1.1.4 …
devise omniauth ruby-on-rails-3.2I just got "Devise 1.2 supports integration with OmniAuth tutorial" working but I'd like to setup multiple providers to refer the …
ruby-on-rails authentication oauth devise omniauthAfter trying to "log in with Google", I'm seeing this error in the logs: Processing by Users::OmniauthCallbacksController#failure as …
ruby-on-rails ruby devise omniauthIm using devise with omniauth for signing in users with facebook. I want them to be redirected after signing in …
ruby-on-rails redirect login devise omniauthI'm writing a Rails app that uses omniauth-facebook to authenticate the user against FB (and to get a FB OAuth …
ruby-on-rails omniauth koalaAfter struggling with some SSL issues on my machine, I'm still trying to access a user's Blogger account through the …
ruby-on-rails oauth-2.0 omniauth access-token google-api-clientHi I am learning how to use omniauth as backend for ember app. when i run my application I get …
ruby-on-rails devise omniauth