Koala is a Ruby gem for integrating Facebook connectivity into Ruby, and Ruby on Rails applications.
I'm using Koala gem on on Ruby on Rails application And I have the following code on the model I'm …
ruby-on-rails-3 koala facebook-javascript-sdkI'm writing a Rails app that uses omniauth-facebook to authenticate the user against FB (and to get a FB OAuth …
ruby-on-rails omniauth koalaI did a research, and most of the topics are at least one year old. So, wondering is there a …
ruby-on-rails facebook facebook-graph-api koalaI'm having trouble using newly installed gems - I think there must be something I'm missing, because I ran across …
ruby-on-rails-3 koala uninitialized-constant fb-graphThis question is related to this question already asked. Does this Facebook change mean that we have to store the …
facebook omniauth koala