Top "Google-calendar-api" questions

Questions related to interacting programmatically with Google Calendar calendars and events.

How do I create a link to add an entry to a calendar?

I'm working for this nightclub and are currently making a website for them, they've got lots events and their site …

html calendar google-calendar-api icalendar
Get refresh token google api

I can't get my refresh token with my code. I can only get my access token, token type etc., I …

google-calendar-api token access-token gdata
Link to add to Google calendar

I am unclear about the exact format to have a link on a website that will add a single event …

403 Error - Thats an error. Error: disallowed_useragent

I am trying to authorise a user for Google calendar API inside an IOS app. I am using the OAuth2 …

ios iphone google-calendar-api google-oauth
Create a span element inside another element using javascript

This code is from google calender. var dateString = (startJSDate.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + startJSDate.getDate(); if (!startDateTime.isDateOnly()) { dateString += " @ " + startJSDate.getHours() + ":" + padNumber(startJSDate.…

javascript html google-calendar-api
Need good example: Google Calendar API in Javascript

What I'm trying to do: Add events to a google calendar from my site using javascript. What I can't do: …

Getting events from calendar

My issue is, I have to make one demo application in which I wants to read the events of the …

android calendar google-calendar-api
How to build html link to a google calendar event?

Using the google calendar API v3, I added an event to a google calendar. Now I want to built an …

google-api google-calendar-api
Google Apps Calendar shows "Busy" instead of sharing full, more details

We're building a multi-user platform where each registered user has a Google App account with their e-mail and calendar. People …

google-calendar-api google-apps
Create Google Calendar Events from Spreadsheet but prevent duplicates

I'm trying to write a script that will take data from a Google spreadsheet and create events in my Google …

google-apps-script google-sheets google-calendar-api