Top "Google-calendar-api" questions

Questions related to interacting programmatically with Google Calendar calendars and events.

Google Calendar API with ASP.NET

I'm confused about using the Google Calendar API for adding/modifying events in ASP.NET webforms (C#). I'm not sure …

c# google-calendar-api
How to Create a Project in Google Developers Console

I am trying to create a project in Google Developers Console. Note: I am the Domain Administrator. I keep getting …

google-api google-calendar-api google-oauth google-api-php-client
How to oAuth Google API from Lambda AWS?

I am building Alexa Skill for Google calendar. The client side code works as expected on local machine because I …

google-calendar-api google-api-client alexa
The redirect URI in the request: http://localhost:12349/authorize/ did not match a registered redirect URI

I'm getting this error while trying to run my c# console application... I am trying to call google calender api …

c# oauth-2.0 google-calendar-api google-api-dotnet-client
How to get event ID from Google Calendar page with JavaScript?

I am creating a Google Chrome extension for Google calendar. I want to get the ID of an event when …

google-chrome-extension google-api google-calendar-api google-chrome-app
Google calendar API : Selecting/Creating calendars?

So I want our work calendar to automatically sync with each employee's Google Calendar when the scheduling manager posts/updates …

php mysql google-calendar-api
Google Calendar API view / edit rooms / resources?

Is there some way with the Google Calendar API to view which rooms have been booked when retrieving a meeting …

google-calendar-api google-admin-sdk
How to create a drop down view like Google Calendar using Toolbar?

I am trying to create something similar to Google Calendar drop down month widget. Any help would be really appreciated. …

android google-calendar-api toolbar dropdownbox
How to publish a dynamic event feed for google calendar?

I'm building a webapp that manages certain types of events for users. I want to provide a way to display …

google-calendar-api gdata gdata-api atom-feed