Top "Google-calendar-api" questions

Questions related to interacting programmatically with Google Calendar calendars and events.

ICS timezone not working

I have made an ICS feed containing a long list of events. My timezone does not seem to work. In …

timezone google-calendar-api offset icalendar
How to Specify Timezone in ics File which will work efficiently with google,outlook and apple?

I want to generate an ics file which will be compatible with google, outlook and apple calendars. I am able …

outlook calendar google-calendar-api icalendar
403 Forbidden message when calling the v3 Google Calendar API using a Service Account via OAuth 2.0

This is a follow on from my thread about a 401 error when using the Google Calendar API and OAuth2, which …

oauth-2.0 google-calendar-api http-status-code-403
Google Calendar API v3 Access Not Configured

I'm trying to get a list of events from a client's public calendar using v3 of Google's API. I entered …

api calendar google-api google-calendar-api
Accessing Google Calendar API without authorization via JavaScript

I'm trying to access a public calendar (from Google Calendar) that contains national holidays: calendarId: 'pt_br.brazilian#holiday@group.…

javascript google-api oauth-2.0 google-calendar-api
Get JSON from a public Google Calendar

How can I get a JSON with the events of a public Google Calendar? I have it's ID but no …

php json google-calendar-api
Google Calendar API event insert always return 404 "not found" error

I tried the calendar insert example from here : No …

Google API Client "refresh token must be passed in or set as part of setAccessToken"

I am currently facing a very strange problem, indeed I've been following this very same guide (…

php google-api google-calendar-api access-token google-api-php-client
List of acceptable Google Calendar api time zones

I'm working with Google's Calendar API, and I'm running into a bit of an issue. When I set the dateTime …

Where to find credentials.json for Google API client?

The Google Calender Node.js example requires a file called "credentials.json": Relevant …

node.js google-api google-calendar-api google-api-client