How to get event ID from Google Calendar page with JavaScript?

Hari Das picture Hari Das · May 27, 2014 · Viewed 10.8k times · Source

I am creating a Google Chrome extension for Google calendar. I want to get the ID of an event when user visits the event edit page.

How can I get the event ID from the plugin's javascript code so that I can fire Calendar api v3.0 with that ID.

enter image description here

Adding extra info: Google Calendar API calendar id and event id The comment by @krishna actualy shows how to get the event ID and it works. But how to get the event ID in URL not in the URL( as told by Krishna.


Martin Jambon picture Martin Jambon · Jul 25, 2014

It's in the data-eid attribute that you partially covered in black in the screenshot. It is encoded along with other things as base64 (or base64url).

The following code should decode, extract, and print the event ID (assuming jQuery was loaded):

var encoded = $("div.ep[data-eid]").attr("data-eid");
if (encoded !== undefined) {
  var decoded = atob(encoded);
  console.log("Current event ID: " + decoded.split(" ")[0]);

prints something like:

Current event ID: 75v3thapnpd234ocglgk625frc