Google Calendar API view / edit rooms / resources?

Brettski picture Brettski · Dec 18, 2012 · Viewed 9.7k times · Source

Is there some way with the Google Calendar API to view which rooms have been booked when retrieving a meeting via the API?

Also is there a way to add a room resource to a meeting via the Calendar API?


Mark McLaren picture Mark McLaren · Oct 24, 2013

The fact that you are using resources with Google calendar tells me that you are a Google Apps for Business/Education user.

If you want a list of resources at your organisation you need to use the Google Apps Calendar Resource API. You can also use this API to create new resources.

If you want to list availability of a calendar resource you need to use the Google Calendar API. You need to query the API using a username that has the appropriate permissions to view the resource calendar. The id of a calendar resource looks like an email address ending in

You will also notice that resources are listed amongst your event attendees.

Now the bad news

At the time of writing (October 2013) the Google Apps Calendar Resource API uses Atom/OAuth 1.0a whereas the Google Calendar API version 3 uses JSON/OAuth 2.0.

So that means you currently need to implement two different mechanisms of authentication and two different styles of API, fun eh?

That said since Google are deprecating support for OAuth 1.0a, I'm sure they are beavering away re-writing the Google Apps Calendar Resource API to become JSON/OAuth 2.0 compatible (I may post a question here to ask about that!).


Please see my question for information regarding the lifespan of the Google Apps Calendar Resource API:

Google Apps Calendar Resource API v1 (Atom/OAuth 1.0) likely lifespan?