Java Architecture for XML Binding is the Java standard for working with XML as domain objects.
I am Using JAXB for unmarshalling process , for which the request comes from the UI to our service class . The …
xml jaxb jaxb2 xmladapterI am new to Java. I am trying to create SOAP Web service client to consume a vendors webservice which …
java jaxb jax-ws webservice-client jax-ws-customizationI have to create object model for following XMLs: XML sample 1: <InvoiceAdd> <TxnDate>2009-01-21</…
java jaxb quickbooksI've got this API using JAXB to conveniently use object models, generated from XML Schemas by the XJC (XML-to-Java) compiler, …
maven jaxb xjc xmlcatalog jaxb-episodeUsing JAXB in Java it is easy to generate from a xml schema file a set of Java classes that …
c# linq linq-to-xml jaxbI have incoming JSON strings and I need to unmarshall into JAXB annotated objects. I am using jettison to do …
json jaxb jettison