Top "Jettison" questions

Jettison is a collection of Java APIs (like STaX and DOM) which read and write JSON.

SimpleJson: String to JSONArray

I get the following JSON: [ { "user_id": "someValue" } ] It's saved inside a String. I would like to convert it to …

java json jettison
Remove JSON object from JSONArray - Jettison

Is there a direct way to remove an JSONObject stored in the JSONArray by using index. I tried all the …

java json jettison
unmarshalling nested objects from json

I have incoming JSON strings and I need to unmarshall into JAXB annotated objects. I am using jettison to do …

json jaxb jettison
Marshalling the Java objects (without @XmlRootElement) to JSON via Jettison

I have done the marshalling of an JAXB object (Which contains @XmlRootElement) to JSON using Jettison. But I can not …

java json jakarta-ee jaxb jettison
JSON parsing using Jettison

I am trying to parse JSON object using Jettison. This the code I'm using String s ="{\"appUsage\":[{\"appName\":\"ANDROID\",\"totalUsers\":\"0\"},{\"…

java json jettison
Difference between Jettison and Jackson in JBoss

What is the fundmental difference between using RestEasy JSON Provider Jettison (Badgerfish mapping) over Jackson? What is is pros and …

json jackson jboss7.x jettison badgerfish
Java Jersey Jettison Message Body Reader Exception

I am a complete beginner at REST services but I need to access some information via REST from a web …

java rest jersey jettison
Jackson & Jettison usage in Jersey

Jersey framework uses both Jackson and Jettison libraries for JSON unmarshalling/marshalling. AFAIK, Jettison is for for mapping JSON to …

java rest jersey jackson jettison
How to receive JSON Messages in POST body in a JAX-RS Restful web service in CXF?

I'm trying to develop a REST service using Apache-CXF, on top of JAX-RS. For starters, I have a method called …

json web-services rest cxf jettison