Java Architecture for XML Binding is the Java standard for working with XML as domain objects.
suppose I have this class: public class A { private HashMap<String, B> map; @XmlElement private void setB(ArrayList&…
java jaxb unmarshallingwhat is a .episode file in JAXB..? Is it generated by the JAXB or is it a configuration file that …
java web-services @Entity @Table(name = "CUSTOMER", uniqueConstraints = { @UniqueConstraint(columnNames = { "CUSTNO" }) }) @XmlRootElement public class Customer implements Serializable { /** * */ private static final long …
java rest binding jaxb saxparseexceptionI am trying to use the same generated class but in separate packages. So the structure should look something like …
xsd jaxb xjc maven-jaxb2-pluginI am marshalling objects to XML file using encoding "UTF-8". It generates file successfully. But when I try to unmarshal …
java xml-serialization jaxb unmarshallingThere's a fix in one of the more recent versions of JAXB (2.2.1). I'm trying to determine if that's included in …
jaxb jax-ws javaI am using using the jaxb2 xjc plugin for generating java files from a XSD. Therefore I used to configure …
java maven jaxb xjc maven-jaxb2-pluginI have a 3rd party interface that supplies xsd files that matches their API. Some of their mappings are not …
jaxb xjc